All ANSI management routines in the self-installing MDOS XOP application is provided to aid a programmer in writing applications requiring ANSI operations beyond the immediate
Author: admin
MDOS Version 7.45 and Utilities
OK folks. @InsaneMultitasker and myself, along with @hloberg with involvement with Abasic, are releasing a software suite including Version 7.45 of MDOS, as well as a suite of other
A new XOP has been added to MDOS to support the TIPI in MDOS mode on the Geneve. The preliminary appendix to the GenREF documentation
GPL V7.40
The GPL Interpreter for the Geneve has been updated to Version 7.40.
Memtest is a memory diagnostic tool identifying speed of the various memory pages in a user’s particular latest hardware configuration for the Geneve 9640. Memtest
Geneve Schematics
The schematics for the Geneve 9640 have been added to the website under the Manuals tab at the top of the home page. In addition,
Geneve V2.00 BIOS Update
The original V0.98 Boot Eprom with Swan for the Geneve has been updated to V2.00 to include the ability to boot from Ramdisk, Myarc HFDC,
Appreciation for InsaneMultitasker
It has now been over 25 years since the contributors that believed in me, allowed our group to purchase the rights to MDOS and other
Boot Eprom Versions
Bob Carmany has made available the 6 different versions of the Geneve Boot Eprom that presently exist. If you do not have an Eprom Burner,